2024 USAD Nationals
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Volunteer and Guest Information
The 2024 United States Academic Decathlon Nationals will take place April 11 & 25-27. More than 500 students will compete. Approximately 200 volunteers are needed for this extraordinary event. The USAD Nationals Interview event will take place ONLINE April 11, 2024. The remaining events will be held in person April 25-27 at the at the David Lawrence Convention Center in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. This academic competition would not be possible without the involvement of community members serving as judges. Training is provided for all volunteer positions. Thank you for your support!
Available Online Volunteer Positions
ONLINE INTERVIEW JUDGE: Thursday, April 11 3–7 p.m. CDT. As a judge, you will be paired with 1–2 other judges to ask students a series of questions in an interview and score them using a rubric. Must be 20 years of age or older to volunteer for this position.
*Online Interview training will be provided for all volunteers on Tuesday April 9 from 5:30–7 p.m. CDT
Sign up here to volunteer as an online Interview judge.
Available In Person Volunteer Positions - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Speech Event - April 25, 2024, 12:45-7 p.m.
SPEECH JUDGE: As a judge, you will be paired with 1–2 other judges and use a rubric to score students' prepared and impromptu oral speeches. All data from the Speech event will be captured using a Google Form. A late lunch will be provided.
TIMEKEEPERS/SPEECH GUIDES: You must be in high school or beyond to volunteer for this position. You will keep time for prepared and impromptu speeches or serve as a room guide. A late lunch will be provided.
*Training will be provided for all volunteer positions on Thursday, April 25, 1:00–2:30 p.m. CDT
Proctor - April 26, 2024
TESTING PROCTOR: Friday, April 26, 6:45 a.m.–12:00 p.m. As a testing proctor, you will administer test booklets and monitor participating students. Breakfast will be provided.
SUPER QUIZ PROCTOR: Friday, April 26, 12–5 p.m. As a Super Quiz proctor, you will monitor students as they work together to answer questions in front of an audience. Lunch will be provided.
Details and directions will be sent to you. Thank you for volunteering to assist at the 2024 USAD Nationals.
If you have a volutneer questions or need assistance, please contact Michelle Buchanan or 814-602-1511.
View the 2024 USAD Nationals Detailed Schedule
Interview Judge:
Speech Judge:
Speech Timer: